Module java.desktop
Package javax.print

Class StreamPrintService

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class StreamPrintService extends Object implements PrintService
This class extends PrintService and represents a print service that prints data in different formats to a client-provided output stream. This is principally intended for services where the output format is a document type suitable for viewing or archiving. The output format must be declared as a mime type. This is equivalent to an output document flavor where the representation class is always "" An instance of the StreamPrintService class is obtained from a StreamPrintServiceFactory instance.

Note that a StreamPrintService is different from a PrintService, which supports a Destination attribute. A StreamPrintService always requires an output stream, whereas a PrintService optionally accepts a Destination. A StreamPrintService has no default destination for its formatted output. Additionally a StreamPrintService is expected to generate output in a format useful in other contexts. StreamPrintService's are not expected to support the Destination attribute.