Module java.desktop

Interface MidiChannel

public interface MidiChannel
A MidiChannel object represents a single MIDI channel. Generally, each MidiChannel method processes a like-named MIDI "channel voice" or "channel mode" message as defined by the MIDI specification. However, MidiChannel adds some "get" methods that retrieve the value most recently set by one of the standard MIDI channel messages. Similarly, methods for per-channel solo and mute have been added.

A Synthesizer object has a collection of MidiChannels, usually one for each of the 16 channels prescribed by the MIDI 1.0 specification. The Synthesizer generates sound when its MidiChannels receive noteOn messages.

See the MIDI 1.0 Specification for more information about the prescribed behavior of the MIDI channel messages, which are not exhaustively documented here. The specification is titled MIDI Reference: The Complete MIDI 1.0 Detailed Specification, and is published by the MIDI Manufacturer's Association (

MIDI was originally a protocol for reporting the gestures of a keyboard musician. This genesis is visible in the MidiChannel API, which preserves such MIDI concepts as key number, key velocity, and key pressure. It should be understood that the MIDI data does not necessarily originate with a keyboard player (the source could be a different kind of musician, or software). Some devices might generate constant values for velocity and pressure, regardless of how the note was performed. Also, the MIDI specification often leaves it up to the synthesizer to use the data in the way the implementor sees fit. For example, velocity data need not always be mapped to volume and/or brightness.

See Also: