Class ModelMBeanConstructorInfo

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, DescriptorAccess, DescriptorRead

public class ModelMBeanConstructorInfo extends MBeanConstructorInfo implements DescriptorAccess

The ModelMBeanConstructorInfo object describes a constructor of the ModelMBean. It is a subclass of MBeanConstructorInfo with the addition of an associated Descriptor and an implementation of the DescriptorAccess interface.

The fields in the descriptor are defined, but not limited to, the following. Note that when the Type in this table is Number, a String that is the decimal representation of a Long can also be used.

ModelMBeanConstructorInfo Fields
nameString Constructor name.
descriptorTypeString Must be "operation".
roleString Must be "constructor".
displayNameString Human readable name of constructor.
visibilityNumber 1-4 where 1: always visible 4: rarely visible.
presentationStringString XML formatted string to describe how to present operation

The persistPolicy and currencyTimeLimit fields are meaningless for constructors, but are not considered invalid.

The default descriptor will have the name, descriptorType, displayName and role fields.

The serialVersionUID of this class is 3862947819818064362L.

See Also: