Module java.naming
Package javax.naming

Class ReferralException

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public abstract class ReferralException extends NamingException
This abstract class is used to represent a referral exception, which is generated in response to a referral such as that returned by LDAP v3 servers.

A service provider provides a subclass of ReferralException by providing implementations for getReferralInfo() and getReferralContext() (and appropriate constructors and/or corresponding "set" methods).

The following code sample shows how ReferralException can be used.

      while (true) {
          try {
              bindings = ctx.listBindings(name);
              while (bindings.hasMore()) {
                  b =;
          } catch (ReferralException e) {
              ctx = e.getReferralContext();

ReferralException is an abstract class. Concrete implementations determine its synchronization and serialization properties.

An environment parameter passed to the getReferralContext() method is owned by the caller. The service provider will not modify the object or keep a reference to it, but may keep a reference to a clone of it.

See Also: