Class SQLOutputImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SQLOutputImpl extends Object implements SQLOutput
The output stream for writing the attributes of a custom-mapped user-defined type (UDT) back to the database. The driver uses this interface internally, and its methods are never directly invoked by an application programmer.

When an application calls the method PreparedStatement.setObject, the driver checks to see whether the value to be written is a UDT with a custom mapping. If it is, there will be an entry in a type map containing the Class object for the class that implements SQLData for this UDT. If the value to be written is an instance of SQLData, the driver will create an instance of SQLOutputImpl and pass it to the method SQLData.writeSQL. The method writeSQL in turn calls the appropriate SQLOutputImpl.writeXXX methods to write data from the SQLData object to the SQLOutputImpl output stream as the representation of an SQL user-defined type.
