Module java.xml

Interface LSInput

public interface LSInput
This interface represents an input source for data.

This interface allows an application to encapsulate information about an input source in a single object, which may include a public identifier, a system identifier, a byte stream (possibly with a specified encoding), a base URI, and/or a character stream.

The exact definitions of a byte stream and a character stream are binding dependent.

The application is expected to provide objects that implement this interface whenever such objects are needed. The application can either provide its own objects that implement this interface, or it can use the generic factory method DOMImplementationLS.createLSInput() to create objects that implement this interface.

The LSParser will use the LSInput object to determine how to read data. The LSParser will look at the different inputs specified in the LSInput in the following order to know which one to read from, the first one that is not null and not an empty string will be used:

  1. LSInput.characterStream
  2. LSInput.byteStream
  3. LSInput.stringData
  4. LSInput.systemId
  5. LSInput.publicId

If all inputs are null, the LSParser will report a DOMError with its DOMError.type set to "no-input-specified" and its DOMError.severity set to DOMError.SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR.

LSInput objects belong to the application. The DOM implementation will never modify them (though it may make copies and modify the copies, if necessary).

See also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Load and Save Specification.
