Module jdk.jconsole

Class JConsolePlugin


public abstract class JConsolePlugin extends Object
A JConsole plugin class. JConsole uses the service provider mechanism to search the JConsole plugins. Users can provide their JConsole plugins in a jar file containing a file named

This file contains one line for each plugin, for example,


which is the fully qualified class name of the class implementing JConsolePlugin.

To load the JConsole plugins in JConsole, run:

 jconsole -pluginpath <plugin-path> 

where <plugin-path> specifies the paths of JConsole plugins to look up which can be a directory or a jar file. Multiple paths are separated by the path separator character of the platform.

When a new JConsole window is created for a connection, an instance of each JConsolePlugin will be created. The JConsoleContext object is not available at its construction time. JConsole will set the JConsoleContext object for a plugin after the plugin object is created. It will then call its getTabs method and add the returned tabs to the JConsole window.

See Also: