Module jdk.jdi
Package com.sun.jdi

Interface StackFrame

All Superinterfaces:
Locatable, Mirror

public interface StackFrame extends Mirror, Locatable
The state of one method invocation on a thread's call stack. As a thread executes, stack frames are pushed and popped from its call stack as methods are invoked and then return. A StackFrame mirrors one such frame from a target VM at some point in its thread's execution. The call stack is, then, simply a List of StackFrame objects. The call stack can be obtained any time a thread is suspended through a call to ThreadReference.frames()

StackFrames provide access to a method's local variables and their current values.

The lifetime of a StackFrame is very limited. It is available only for suspended threads and becomes invalid once its thread is resumed.

Any method on StackFrame which takes StackFrame as an parameter may throw VMDisconnectedException if the target VM is disconnected and the VMDisconnectEvent has been or is available to be read from the EventQueue.

Any method on StackFrame which takes StackFrame as an parameter may throw VMOutOfMemoryException if the target VM has run out of memory.
