All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Error Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AdditionalAnswers |
Additional answers provides factory methods for answers.
AdditionalMatchers |
After |
AnnotationEngine |
Configures test via annotations.
AnnotationEngine.NoAction |
Answer<T> |
Generic interface to be used for configuring mock's answer.
Answer1<T,A0> |
Generic interface to be used for configuring mock's answer for a single argument invocation.
Answer2<T,A0,A1> |
Generic interface to be used for configuring mock's answer for a two argument invocation.
Answer3<T,A0,A1,A2> |
Generic interface to be used for configuring mock's answer for a three argument invocation.
Answer4<T,A0,A1,A2,A3> |
Generic interface to be used for configuring mock's answer for a four argument invocation.
Answer5<T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4> |
Generic interface to be used for configuring mock's answer for a five argument invocation.
Answer6<T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5> |
Generic interface to be used for configuring mock's answer for a six argument invocation.
Answers |
Enumeration of pre-configured mock answers
ArgumentCaptor<T> |
Use it to capture argument values for further assertions.
ArgumentMatcher<T> |
Allows creating customized argument matchers.
ArgumentMatchers |
Allow flexible verification or stubbing.
ArgumentsAreDifferent |
ArgumentsAreDifferent |
ArgumentsAreDifferent |
BaseStubber |
BDDMockito |
Behavior Driven Development style of writing tests uses //given //when //then comments as fundamental parts of your test methods.
BDDMockito.BDDMyOngoingStubbing<T> |
BDDMockito.BDDStubber |
BDDMockito.Then<T> |
Provides fluent way of mock verification.
CannotStubVoidMethodWithReturnValue |
CannotVerifyStubOnlyMock |
Captor |
CheckReturnValue |
This annotation is not supposed to be used by Mockito end-users.
DefaultMockitoConfiguration |
DefaultConfiguration of Mockito framework
DescribedInvocation |
Provides information about the invocation, specifically a human readable description and the location.
DoNotMock |
Annotation representing a type that should not be mocked.
DoNotMockEnforcer |
Enforcer that is applied to every type in the type hierarchy of the class-to-be-mocked.
DoNotMockException |
Thrown when attempting to mock a class that is annotated with DoNotMock .
FriendlyReminderException |
IMockitoConfiguration |
Use it to configure Mockito.
Incubating |
The annotation conveys following information:
The API is fairly new and we would appreciate your feedback.
InjectionBase |
This class is required to resolve a method handle lookup for the org.mockito.codegen package what requires a preexisting class for the package.
InjectMocks |
Mark a field on which injection should be performed.
InjectMocksException |
Thrown when creation of test subject annotated with InjectMocks fails.
InlineMockMaker |
Extension to MockMaker for mock makers that changes inline method implementations
and need keep track of created mock objects.
InOrder |
Allows verification in order.
InstantiationException |
Instantiator |
Provides instances of classes.
InstantiatorProvider2 |
Mockito will invoke this interface in order to fetch an instance instantiator provider.
InvalidUseOfMatchersException |
Invocation |
A method call on a mock object.
InvocationContainer |
Although this class is a part of public API, please don't provide your own implementations.
InvocationFactory |
InvocationFactory.RealMethodBehavior<R> |
Behavior of the real method.
InvocationListener |
This listener can be notified of method invocations on a mock.
InvocationOnMock |
An invocation on a mock.
LenientStubber |
Location |
Describes the location of something in the source code.
MatchableInvocation |
MatchableInvocation wraps Invocation instance
and holds argument matchers associated with that invocation.
MemberAccessor |
A member accessor is responsible for invoking methods, constructors and for setting
and reading field values.
MemberAccessor.ConstructionDispatcher |
MemberAccessor.OnConstruction |
MethodInvocationReport |
Represent a method call on a mock.
MissingMethodInvocationException |
Mock |
Mark a field as a mock.
Mock.Strictness |
MockCreationListener |
Notified when mock object is created.
MockCreationSettings<T> |
Informs about the mock settings.
MockedConstruction<T> |
Represents a mock of any object construction of the represented type.
MockedConstruction.Context |
MockedConstruction.MockInitializer<T> |
MockedStatic<T> |
Represents an active mock of a type's static methods.
MockedStatic.Verification |
MockHandler<T> |
Mockito handler of an invocation on a mock.
MockingDetails |
Provides mocking information.
Mockito |
MockitoAnnotations |
MockitoAnnotations.openMocks(this); initializes fields annotated with Mockito annotations.
MockitoAssertionError |
Base class for verification errors emitted by Mockito.
MockitoConfigurationException |
MockitoException |
Raised by mockito to emit an error either due to Mockito, or due to the User.
MockitoFramework |
Mockito framework settings and lifecycle listeners, for advanced users or for integrating with other frameworks.
MockitoHamcrest |
Allows matching arguments with hamcrest matchers.
MockitoHint |
Stubbing hints were introduced in Mockito 2 in order to improve debuggability while keeping backwards compatibility.
MockitoInitializationException |
MockitoJUnit |
MockitoJUnitRunner |
Mockito JUnit Runner keeps tests clean and improves debugging experience.
MockitoJUnitRunner.Silent |
This Mockito JUnit Runner implementation *ignores*
stubbing argument mismatches ( MockitoJUnitRunner.StrictStubs )
and *does not detect* unused stubbings.
MockitoJUnitRunner.Strict |
Detects unused stubs and reports them as failures.
MockitoJUnitRunner.StrictStubs |
Improves debugging tests, helps keeping the tests clean.
MockitoListener |
Marker interface for all types of Mockito listeners.
MockitoLogger |
Mockito logger.
MockitoPlugins |
MockitoRule |
Mockito JUnit Rule helps keeping tests clean.
MockitoSerializationIssue |
Raised by mockito to emit an error either due to Mockito, or due to the User.
MockitoSession |
MockitoSession is an optional, highly recommended feature
that helps driving cleaner tests by eliminating boilerplate code and adding extra validation.
MockitoSessionBuilder |
Fluent builder interface for MockitoSession objects.
MockitoSessionLogger |
MockitoTestRule |
MockMaker |
The facility to create mocks.
MockMaker.ConstructionMockControl<T> |
MockMaker.StaticMockControl<T> |
MockMaker.TypeMockability |
Carries the mockability information
MockMakers |
Constants for built-in implementations of MockMaker .
MockName |
Represents the name of the mock as shown in the verification failure reports, etc.
MockResolver |
A mock resolver offers an opportunity to resolve a mock from any instance that is
provided to the Mockito -DSL.
MockSettings |
Allows mock creation with additional mock settings.
MoreThanAllowedActualInvocations |
Thrown when atMost(x) verification fails.
NeverWantedButInvoked |
NoInteractionsWanted |
No interactions wanted.
NotAMockException |
NotExtensible |
Indicates to the user that she should not provide custom implementations of given type.
NullInsteadOfMockException |
OngoingStubbing<T> |
Simply put: "When the x method is called then return y".
PluginSwitch |
Allows switching off the plugins that are discovered on classpath.
PotentialStubbingProblem |
PotentialStubbingProblem improves productivity by failing the test early when the user
misconfigures mock's stubbing.
RedundantListenerException |
Reported when instance of MockitoListener
is being added to Mockito (see MockitoFramework )
and there is already a listener with this implementation type registered.
ScopedMock |
Represents a mock with a thread-local explicit scope.
SerializableMode |
Mock serializable style.
SmartNullPointerException |
Spy |
Allows shorthand wrapping of field instances in an spy object.
StackTraceCleaner |
Decides if particular StackTraceElement is excluded from the human-readable stack trace output.
StackTraceCleaner.StackFrameMetadata |
Very similar to the StackFrame class declared on the StackWalker api.
StackTraceCleanerProvider |
Strictness |
Configures the "strictness" of Mockito, affecting the behavior of stubbings and verification.
Stubber |
Allows to choose a method when stubbing in doThrow()|doAnswer()|doNothing()|doReturn() style
Stubbing |
Stubbing declared on the mock object.
StubbingLookupEvent |
Represent an information about the looked up stubbing
StubbingLookupListener |
When a method is called on a mock object Mockito looks up any stubbings recorded on that mock.
StubInfo |
The information about stubbing, for example the location of stubbing.
Timeout |
TooFewActualInvocations |
TooManyActualInvocations |
UnfinishedMockingSessionException |
UnfinishedStubbingException |
UnfinishedVerificationException |
UnnecessaryStubbingException |
This exception indicates presence of unused stubbings.
ValidableAnswer |
Allow to validate this answer is correct for the given invocation.
VerificationAfterDelay |
VerificationAfterDelay is a VerificationMode that allows combining existing verification modes with an initial delay, e.g.
VerificationCollector |
Use this rule in order to collect multiple verification failures and report at once.
VerificationEvent |
Contains all information about a verification that has happened.
VerificationInOrderFailure |
VerificationListener |
This listener can be notified of verify invocations on a mock.
VerificationMode |
Allows verifying that certain behavior happened at least once / exact number
of times / never.
VerificationStartedEvent |
VerificationStartedListener |
This listener gets notified when the user starts verification.
VerificationStrategy |
Strategy to possibly lazily perform verifications.
VerificationWithTimeout |
VerificationWithTimeout is a VerificationMode that allows combining existing verification modes with 'timeout'.
VoidAnswer1<A0> |
Generic interface to be used for configuring mock's answer for a single argument invocation that returns nothing.
VoidAnswer2<A0,A1> |
Generic interface to be used for configuring mock's answer for a two argument invocation that returns nothing.
VoidAnswer3<A0,A1,A2> |
Generic interface to be used for configuring mock's answer for a three argument invocation that returns nothing.
VoidAnswer4<A0,A1,A2,A3> |
Generic interface to be used for configuring mock's answer for a four argument invocation that returns nothing.
VoidAnswer5<A0,A1,A2,A3,A4> |
Generic interface to be used for configuring mock's answer for a five argument invocation that returns nothing.
VoidAnswer6<A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5> |
Generic interface to be used for configuring mock's answer for a six argument invocation that returns nothing.
WantedButNotInvoked |
WrongTypeOfReturnValue |