
Edition 2024-2025
Course LB2292
StartWed, Jan 15, 2025 12:00:00
EndMon, Mar 31, 2025 12:00:00
Enroll untilMon, Mar 31, 2025 17:20:00


Welcome to the LB2292 bioinformatics course

This course you will learn data analysis techniques that can be employed to analyse genomics data. After the course you know how to: statistically analyse data, cluster and classify data.

With this WebLab environment you are about to make the quizzes.

On the left you see the ‘Your Enrollment’ box. Within that box there is a clickable item ‘Your Submissions’ with which you will go to your assignments. Alternatively, you can do that by the box below and click ‘Assignments’

When doing so you will be redirected to the Assignment tab where you will see your list of assignments. Those that you have already submitted have two green check symbols indicating that you started answering the questions and completed them. New assignments will show two red crosses. By clicking an assignment you can start answering them.

When you click an assignment you will be redirected to a new page that lists the collection of assignments belonging to a quiz. Click on the first question (always the ‘Code of Honour’ question). You will enter a new page, showing the question, either in the middle (for multiple choice questions, or at the left (for open answer questions). For the first question of a new assignment, you need to ‘Start editing your submission’ which is at the top of the page in the green box. When clicked you can start answering the questions.

When you have answered the question, you can submit the answer with the submit or the submit&continue button (in green). The last one will bring you automatically to the next question.

On the top right of the questions tabs you can see the list of questions numbered and in orange, blue, or green. Orange indicates that the question still needs to be answered, Blue is the ‘active’ question. The Green questions are already submitted.

Until the deadline you can change the answer of a question and re-submit. After the deadline this is not possible anymore.

After the deadline the answers to the questions can be seen. You can go to your assignment/question and on the top left (next to the blue ‘Submission’ button) you can find a button ‘A Answer’. By clicking this you can see the answer to the specific question.