Module java.base
Package java.lang

Class ModuleLayer


public final class ModuleLayer extends Object
A layer of modules in the Java virtual machine.

A layer is created from a graph of modules in a Configuration and a function that maps each module to a ClassLoader. Creating a layer informs the Java virtual machine about the classes that may be loaded from the modules so that the Java virtual machine knows which module that each class is a member of.

Creating a layer creates a Module object for each ResolvedModule in the configuration. For each resolved module that is read, the Module reads the corresponding run-time Module, which may be in the same layer or a parent layer.

The defineModulesWithOneLoader and defineModulesWithManyLoaders methods provide convenient ways to create a module layer where all modules are mapped to a single class loader or where each module is mapped to its own class loader. The defineModules method is for more advanced cases where modules are mapped to custom class loaders by means of a function specified to the method. Each of these methods has an instance and static variant. The instance methods create a layer with the receiver as the parent layer. The static methods are for more advanced cases where there can be more than one parent layer or where a Controller is needed to control modules in the layer

A Java virtual machine has at least one non-empty layer, the boot layer, that is created when the Java virtual machine is started. The boot layer contains module java.base and is the only layer in the Java virtual machine with a module named "java.base". The modules in the boot layer are mapped to the bootstrap class loader and other class loaders that are built-in into the Java virtual machine. The boot layer will often be the parent when creating additional layers.

Each Module in a layer is created so that it exports and opens the packages described by its ModuleDescriptor. Qualified exports (where a package is exported to a set of target modules rather than all modules) are reified when creating the layer as follows:

  • If module X exports a package to Y, and if the runtime Module X reads Module Y, then the package is exported to Module Y (which may be in the same layer as X or a parent layer).
  • If module X exports a package to Y, and if the runtime Module X does not read Y then target Y is located as if by invoking findModule to find the module in the layer or its parent layers. If Y is found then the package is exported to the instance of Y that was found. If Y is not found then the qualified export is ignored.

Qualified opens are handled in same way as qualified exports.

As when creating a Configuration, automatic modules receive special treatment when creating a layer. An automatic module is created in the Java virtual machine as a Module that reads every unnamed Module in the Java virtual machine.

Unless otherwise specified, passing a null argument to a method in this class causes a NullPointerException to be thrown.


This example creates a configuration by resolving a module named "myapp" with the configuration for the boot layer as the parent. It then creates a new layer with the modules in this configuration. All modules are defined to the same class loader.

    ModuleFinder finder = ModuleFinder.of(dir1, dir2, dir3);
    ModuleLayer parent = ModuleLayer.boot();
    Configuration cf = parent.configuration()
                             .resolve(finder, ModuleFinder.of(), Set.of("myapp"));
    ClassLoader scl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
    ModuleLayer layer = parent.defineModulesWithOneLoader(cf, scl);
    Class<?> c = layer.findLoader("myapp").loadClass("app.Main");
See Also: