Module java.base
Package java.text

Class ListFormat

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public final class ListFormat extends Format
ListFormat formats or parses a list of strings in a locale-sensitive way. Use ListFormat to construct a list of strings displayed for end users. For example, displaying a list of 3 weekdays, e.g. "Monday", "Wednesday", "Friday" as "Monday, Wednesday, and Friday" in an inclusive list type. This class provides the functionality defined in Unicode Consortium's LDML specification for List Patterns.

Three formatting types are provided: STANDARD, OR, and UNIT, which determines the punctuation between the strings and the connecting words if any. Also, three formatting styles for each type are provided: FULL, SHORT, and NARROW, suitable for how the strings are abbreviated (or not). The following snippet is an example of formatting the list of Strings "Foo", "Bar", "Baz" in US English with STANDARD type and FULL style:

ListFormat.getInstance(Locale.US, ListFormat.Type.STANDARD, ListFormat.Style.FULL)
    .format(List.of("Foo", "Bar", "Baz"))
This will produce the concatenated list string, "Foo, Bar, and Baz" as seen in the following:
Formatting examples
STANDARD Foo, Bar, and Baz Foo, Bar, & Baz Foo, Bar, Baz
OR Foo, Bar, or Baz Foo, Bar, or Baz Foo, Bar, or Baz
UNIT Foo, Bar, Baz Foo, Bar, Baz Foo Bar Baz
Note: these examples are from CLDR, there could be different results from other locale providers.

Alternatively, Locale, Type, and/or Style independent instances can be created with getInstance(String[]). The String array to the method specifies the delimiting patterns for the start/middle/end portion of the formatted string, as well as optional specialized patterns for two or three elements. Refer to the method description for more detail.

On parsing, if some ambiguity is found in the input string, such as delimiting sequences in the input string, the result, when formatted with the same formatting, does not re-produce the input string. For example, a two element String list "a, b,", "c" will be formatted as "a, b, and c", but may be parsed as three elements "a", "b", "c".

Implementation Requirements:
This class is immutable and thread-safe
External Specifications
See Also: