Class DescriptorSupport

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Descriptor

public class DescriptorSupport extends Object implements Descriptor
This class represents the metadata set for a ModelMBean element. A descriptor is part of the ModelMBeanInfo, ModelMBeanNotificationInfo, ModelMBeanAttributeInfo, ModelMBeanConstructorInfo, and ModelMBeanParameterInfo.

A descriptor consists of a collection of fields. Each field is in fieldname=fieldvalue format. Field names are not case sensitive, case will be preserved on field values.

All field names and values are not predefined. New fields can be defined and added by any program. Some fields have been predefined for consistency of implementation and support by the ModelMBeanInfo, ModelMBeanAttributeInfo, ModelMBeanConstructorInfo, ModelMBeanNotificationInfo, ModelMBeanOperationInfo and ModelMBean classes.

The serialVersionUID of this class is -6292969195866300415L.

See Also: