Module java.rmi
Package java.rmi

Class MarshalledObject<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the object contained in this MarshalledObject
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class MarshalledObject<T> extends Object implements Serializable
A MarshalledObject contains a byte stream with the serialized representation of an object given to its constructor. The get method returns a new copy of the original object, as deserialized from the contained byte stream. The contained object is serialized and deserialized with the same serialization semantics used for marshaling and unmarshaling parameters and return values of RMI calls: When the serialized form is created:
  • classes are annotated with a codebase URL from where the class can be loaded (if available), and
  • any remote object in the MarshalledObject is represented by a serialized instance of its stub.

When copy of the object is retrieved (via the get method), if the class is not available locally, it will be loaded from the appropriate location (specified the URL annotated with the class descriptor when the class was serialized.

MarshalledObject facilitates passing objects in RMI calls that are not automatically deserialized immediately by the remote peer.

See Also: