Module jdk.compiler

Interface DocTreeVisitor<R,P>

Type Parameters:
R - the return type of this visitor's methods. Use Void for visitors that do not need to return results.
P - the type of the additional parameter to this visitor's methods. Use Void for visitors that do not need an additional parameter.
All Known Implementing Classes:
DocTreePathScanner, DocTreeScanner, SimpleDocTreeVisitor

public interface DocTreeVisitor<R,P>
A visitor of trees, in the style of the visitor design pattern. Classes implementing this interface are used to operate on a tree when the kind of tree is unknown at compile time. When a visitor is passed to a tree's accept method, the visitXyz method most applicable to that tree is invoked.

Classes implementing this interface may or may not throw a NullPointerException if the additional parameter p is null; see documentation of the implementing class for details.

WARNING: It is possible that methods will be added to this interface to accommodate new, currently unknown, doc comment structures added to future versions of the Java programming language. Therefore, visitor classes directly implementing this interface may be source incompatible with future versions of the platform.
